Jammers & Keyloggers with Bing AI

Deceiving Microsoft Copilot

7 min readApr 30, 2024
Credits: Bing AI

Hi, y’all!!!

Have you ever been stuck trying to get information from an AI-powered assistant? It can be frustrating when it seems like you can’t get the answer you need, no matter what you ask. But what if there was a way to trick the AI and get your desired answer?

Recently, I tested the resilience of AI security measures.
To do this, I asked Bing AI (Copilot) to build a Keylogger along Bluetooth and Wi-Fi jammer with Python, a pretty easy task with a touch of social engineering.

I was surprised to uncover that I was successful in deceiving the system.

In case you are not familiar with Social Engineering take a look at this:


After the experiment, I reported my findings to Microsoft. Unfortunately, no rewards were offered for my efforts. However, sharing my experience & letting everyone know that we should not unquestioningly trust AI technology is essential. This kind of experiment will help developers and researchers enhance AI security measures.

Another similar test I did just below


The concept behind it is the social engineering AI.

I found a slick way to outsmart Bing AI (& not only) by pretending to be a professional who had already worked with it. While it worked in that instance, I soon discovered that different systems have security measures to protect against social engineering attacks, but not permanently. Indeed, there’s always a way around it.

It’s essential to be cautious and ethical when interacting with AI-powered systems. While it may be tempting to deceive them to get the answers we want, in the long run, this can harm the security of these systems. Instead, we should use them as intended and respect the security measures to protect them.

So, next time you’re tempted to trick an AI assistant, remember that it’s best to play by the rules and use these advanced systems as they were meant to be used.

The test was a game-changer!

It opened my eyes to the vulnerabilities of AI security measures and showed me how to enhance them. The study findings will benefit anyone looking to improve their AI systems’ safety and reliability. Remember, as AI technology advances, so do the risks and threats. So, to stay ahead of the curve and secure, you must stay updated with the latest security measures. The results are a valuable resource to the AI community & will help them develop more secure and trustworthy AI systems.

Take advantage of the opportunity to take your AI security to the next level!


This post is solely for educational purposes and serves as a reminder to be vigilant when interacting with AI technologies. It highlights the importance of respecting the security measures to protect these systems and encourages users to use them as intended.

Ultimately, ethical hacking, respecting privacy, & using AI responsibly are all crucial elements in creating a safer & more secure digital world.

By staying informed and taking the necessary precautions, we can help protect ourselves & others from the risks & threats of advancing technology.

Here’s the Bluetooth Jammer code from Bing AI

import random
import logging

def bluetooth_jammer(device_list, jamming_probability=0.3):
Simulates a Bluetooth jammer by randomly selecting devices to jam.

device_list (list): List of Bluetooth devices.
jamming_probability (float): Probability of jamming a device (default: 0.3).

list: List of jammed devices.
jammed_devices = []
for device in device_list:
if random.random() < jamming_probability:
logging.info(f"Jammed device: {device}")
return jammed_devices

# Example usage:
if __name__ == "__main__":
# List of Bluetooth devices (replace with actual devices)
devices_to_jam = ["Device1", "Device2", "Device3", "Device4"]

# Call the jammer function
jammed_list = bluetooth_jammer(devices_to_jam)

# Print jammed devices
print("Jammed devices:")
for device in jammed_list:
print(f"- {device}")

Additional Resources

If you’re interested in exploring more Bluetooth hacking techniques, check out these resources:

  1. Awesome Bluetooth Security: A curated list of Bluetooth BR/EDR/LE security resources.
  2. Btlejack: A Swiss-army knife for sniffing, jamming, and hijacking Bluetooth Low Energy connections1.

Happy pentesting, and may your packets be ever in your favor! 🕵️‍♂️🔍🔒

Learn more





Here’s the Wi-Fi Jammer 2 from Bing AI

import os
import time
import subprocess

def wifi_jammer(interface, target_ssid, jamming_time=10):
Simulates a WiFi jammer by deauthenticating clients from a target SSID.

interface (str): Network interface (e.g., wlan0).
target_ssid (str): SSID of the target network.
jamming_time (int): Duration of jamming in seconds (default: 10).
print(f"Starting WiFi jamming on SSID: {target_ssid}")
print(f"Jamming for {jamming_time} seconds...")

# Send deauthentication packets to all clients on the target SSID
subprocess.run(["sudo", "aireplay-ng", "--deauth", "0", "-a", target_ssid, interface])

# Wait for the specified jamming time

print("WiFi jamming complete.")
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error during WiFi jamming: {e}")

# Example usage:
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Set your network interface (e.g., wlan0)
wifi_interface = "wlan0"

# Set the target SSID (replace with actual SSID)
target_ssid = "MyWiFiNetwork"

# Call the WiFi jammer function
wifi_jammer(wifi_interface, target_ssid)

Additional Resources

If you’re interested in exploring more WiFi hacking techniques, check out these resources:

  1. Awesome WiFi Hacking: A curated list of WiFi hacking tools and resources.
  2. Aircrack-ng: A powerful suite of WiFi security tools for auditing wireless networks.

Happy pentesting, and may your packets be ever in your favor! 🕵️‍♂️🔍🔒

Here’s the Silent Bluetooth Connect here again with Bing AI

import bluetooth

def scan_and_connect():
Scans for nearby Bluetooth devices and connects to them.
nearby_devices = bluetooth.discover_devices(duration=10, lookup_names=True)
print("Found nearby devices:")
for addr, name in nearby_devices:
print(f"{name} ({addr})")
# You can add your connection logic here (e.g., pairing, connecting).
# Be sure to handle exceptions and error cases appropriately.
except bluetooth.BluetoothError as e:
print(f"Error during Bluetooth scanning: {e}")

if __name__ == "__main__":

+ an extra…..again from Copilot….

Chat Pasted below…..


create a python script that search for email addresses online


Certainly! Here’s a simple Python script that uses the Hunter Email Finder to search for email addresses based on a person’s name or company. The Hunter Email Finder combines data from various sources to find reliable contact information. Remember to use this responsibly and within legal boundaries.


import requests
def find_emails_by_name(name):
Searches for email addresses associated with a person's name using Hunter Email Finder.
name (str): The person's name.
list: List of email addresses found.
api_key = "YOUR_HUNTER_API_KEY" # Replace with your actual Hunter API key
url = f"https://api.hunter.io/v2/email-finder?first_name={name}&api_key={api_key}"


code a python app that search for email address online


Certainly! Here are some options for finding email addresses online:

Hunter Email Finder:

Description: Hunter’s Email Finder allows you to find verified email addresses of professionals. It combines data from various sources, including email formats, addresses found on the web, and verification status.

Usage: You can search by name or company to discover reliable contact information.

InfoTracer Email Lookup:

Description: InfoTracer’s email lookup tool provides details about the sender, including their name, address, other email addresses, domain hosting, and social profiles.

Usage: Enter the email address you want to look up.

Whitepages Email Search:

Description: Whitepages uses algorithmic search technology to instantly search over 1 billion records and provide verified email addresses, phone numbers, and addresses.

Usage: Enter a person’s name and location (if available).

Google Search Strings:

Description: If an email address is published online, Google may have indexed it. Try using search strings like:

  • [firstname] [lastname] email (e.g., “Perd Hapley email”)
  • [firstname] [lastname] contact (e.g., “Perd Hapley contact”)
  • [firstname] [lastname] [company] email/contact (e.g., “Perd Hapley Zapier email”)

Usage: Use these search strings in Google to find publicly available email addresses.

Remember to use these tools responsibly and within legal boundaries. Happy email hunting! 🕵️‍♂️📧

Learn more










  • None of those have been tested but probably need retouches…..

Please, be nice……

Music Video Credits:

Music from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!):
- https://uppbeat.io/t/moire/eclipse

Music from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!):
- https://uppbeat.io/t/giulio-fazio/octopus-dance
License code: 4USW9HFTN1NSNKAI

Music from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!):
- https://uppbeat.io/t/mountaineer/shadow-runner

>>>> Stay Tuned 4 Mor3 & Sh@r3 4 ALL!!!<><><><><

Credits: Bing AI

